From Yogyakarta with Love

10 years ago, in response to well-documented patterns of abuse towards LGBTI individuals, a distinguished group of international human rights experts met in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, to outline a set of international principles relating to sexual orientation and gender identity. The result was the Yogyakarta Principles: a universal guide to human rights which affirm various international legal standards with which many UN Member States have signed. They promise a different future where all people, regardless of their sexual orientations and/or gender identity, are born free and equal in dignity and rights can fulfil that precious birthright.

With “From Yogyakarta with Love”, APCOM aims to facilitate a meaningful understanding of the Principles and to encourage their use and their promotion. We hope that “From Yogyakarta with Love” encourages further exploration of the Principles, of the international human rights law upon which they are based, of the systems for monitoring progress, and of the implications of using a human rights-based approach in activist strategies.


If this is your first time hearing about the Principles, read the Principles here.dandellion

If you are activists, lawyers, academics, or someone who believes in equality and who could further your work in the area of sexual orientation and gender identity, learn how you can use the Principles as your tool, including the translation of the Principles in many languages, at the Principles in Action, an online guidance hosted by ARC International.