Gloria Wekker analyzes the phenomenon of mati work, an old practice among Afro-Surinamese working-class women in which marriage is rejected in favor of male and female sexual partners. Wekker vividly describes the lives of these women, who prefer to create alternative families of kin, lovers, and children, and gives a fascinating account of women’s sexuality that is not limited to either heterosexuality …
ZAMI is a fast-moving chronicle. From the author’s vivid childhood memories in Harlem to her coming of age in the late 1950s, the nature of Audre Lorde’s work is cyclical. It especially relates the linkage of women who have shaped her . . . Lorde brings into play her craft of lush description and characterization. It keeps unfolding page after …
In Uit de Schaduw ontmoeten we tien mannen en vrouwen met een homofiele geaardheid die, ieder op eigen wijze, worstelen met geloof en kerk. Zij bekennen kleur en vertellen hoe zij christen en homo zijn of waren.